Dry January? No problem! The official list of the best mocktails in The Light!

Looking for the perfect non-alcoholic tipples to help you through Dry January? Look no further! We’ve pulled together a list of the tastiest alcoholic free cocktails at The Light in Leeds!

Browns – No-groni

Enjoy a non-alcoholic twist on the classic Negroni with this tasty treat -a mixture of Seedlip Spice 94, bitter syrup, cranberry juice, and all just for the wonderful, plurse-pleasing price of £5.

Turtle Bay – Strawberry and Vanilla Nojito

Need a taste of the sunshine to get you through the January blues? Turtle Bay’s Nojito is an exotic mix of strawberry & mint, vanilla, lime & apple juices, guaranteed to brighten up your day. Treat yourself for just £4.50 or get 2 for 1 during Happy Hour… winner!

Miller & Carter – Elderflower Sherbert

At just £2.95 this floral delight is exactly what you need to help you through dry Jan! A delicious combination of elderflower cordial, apple juice and lime, shaken and finished with lemonade and a slice of cucumber. You’re welcome…