Hold Up Ideas for the Kids!
If you are trying to entertain the kids during quarantine (I have two) and have run out of ideas already and snacks (ahh how many do they need!), here are a few ways to keep your little ones’ minds entertained during this stressful time.
Social media parenting groups are our saviour right now and what I have witnessed is how fantastic people are at pulling together at a time of crisis. Even celebrities are doing their bit with the likes of Joe Wicks running free P.E lessons on YouTube at 9am, Carol Vorderman running FREE maths on themathsfactor.com, which is usually £2 a week and David Walliams releasing free kids audio books – simply visit worldofdavidwalliams.com
Just remember that this period of isolation will pass and try not to get too stressed out or compare yourself to what other parents are doing. As my sister, an Early Years teacher, said “A little progress each day adds up”.
Useful Resources
Facebook/Family Lockdown Tips & Ideas
This has been a life-saver for me so far, on here you will find everything from Arts and Craft ideas that won’t break the bank. Indoor game ideas, access to free workshops, free science lessons and even a virtual mini disco.
I came across some brilliant indoor games on The Scouts Twitter page, as they have recently published #TheGreatIndoors. You will find fun activities aimed at 8-11 year olds. My favourite one being ‘How to create your own Tornado’.
This is your go-to free educational site right now and I am sure many of you were sent home with a folder full of sheets to have a go at with your children from school. You can access the site, set up an account and the learning doesn’t need to stop just because school has! You have free access to learning plans, worksheets, stories, indoor activity ideas and games.
FREE EBooklibary: www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
The libraries maybe closed but this fantastic site means you can select your child’s reading level and access free books to download and read.
Twitter/Reception @ Batley Parish
Many fantastic teachers have already given us access to their wonderful social accounts, sharing their ideas and experiences with children. School Twitter accounts give parent’s access on how we can continue to develop their busy little minds at home. If you have a child in early years, have a look at this colourful and explorative Twitter account. From practising counting and using old washing up gloves filled with sand, to learning number bonds using dominoes and even ‘How to’ videos from the early years team.
End Note
Remember this is a strange time for children who have lost their daily routine and will miss vital social interaction with their peers, so the main thing is to keep all of our children happy and safe during this time. Good luck xx