My First Month: Ella Sykes
My first month
Hi I’m Ella, one of the lucky Nuffield Health ‘Make it, don’t break it’ competition.
What I want to achieve
It’s been quiet a month. As you may already know from the first blog, my goal is to get fit ahead of a triathlon I want to partake in next year. Whilst I’m not overweight, I am physically unfit, so I’m using this competition prize to address my motivation levels and hopefully get fit enough to train well in advance of the triathlon next Summer.
How I’m getting on
So how have I fount the first month? In a word – hard. I’ve found getting motivated the hardest aspect of the whole experience. Simply put, I don’t like exercise. However every week I go to my PT session, the easier it does get.
What I’m finding helpful
The PT sessions are a great help. Leeah, my personal trainer, isn’t phased by my lack of motivation and inspired me to work that bit harder every session, without making me feel overly pressured. She strikes the balance really well.
What I’m doing
As part of my new regime, I’m having one PT session each week. This is focused on building my core and building my strength. We use weights a lot, making use of the gym equipment, which is really helping my confidence levels.
What I’m enjoying
Cheesy, but I’m really enjoying the next day ache. Feeling like I’ve really worked out is giving me a real boost. I’ve also really started to notice a difference in my fitness levels. My leg and upper body strength has increased significantly.
I’ve also built my stamina. When I go to my weekly rugby classes, I’ve noticed a real improvement in my speed and overall strength.
What I’m not enjoying
As part of the new approach, I’ve cut out some of the sugary treats I used to enjoy. As a result I’m really missing my full fat cokes and a lovely sweet brew. However, I do feel slimmer!
What I’ll be working on in month two
Throughout month two, my aim is to really work to improve the number of sessions I’m doing at the gym. I’m going to try going to the gym on days I don’t have a PT session to build my confidence in using the equipment on my own, and I’m also going to try and enjoy a class each week. This will see me going from one session a week to four. Last but not least, I’m also going to try and undertake a seven day cleanse to rid my body of all the nasties I’ve been enjoying for the past… well forever! Wish me luck 🙂