My first month: Liam Pearce
Hi I’m Liam, a recent winner of the Nuffield ‘Make it, don’t break it’ competition.
What I want to achieve
My first month has been tough to say the least. Having done limited exercise before my personal training sessions started I was really concerned about how I’d get on. One month in I can confirm I’m surviving, and actually the more it continues the more confident I’m becoming, which is really helping me to push myself to improve my fitness levels.
With my wedding now under a year away – I’m really excited about the efforts I’m making and my progress so far…. I’m getting there slowly but surely!
How I’m getting on
The first month has been tough. Very tough. But it has got easier. As someone that doesn’t enjoy exercise I have to say that having a PT is really great for motivation. I’m finding that I’m pushing much harder that if I was training alone.
What I’m finding helpful
My PT is pretty flexible, so it means I’m not tied in to one day or time each week. I’m finding the variety of activities useful too as it helps save me from getting too bored or just focusing on exercises I find eay or enjoyable.
What I’m doing
I’m having one PT session each week, and I’m also enjoying classes as well as solo sessions in the gym. The PT sessions have given me the confidence to go to the gym on my own and follow a routine, which is totally new to me.
What I’m enjoying
For me it’s about doing something different. I’ve struggled with finding an exercise I find sustainable and actually enjoy for years, so this is really refreshing for me. I’m excited to see the end results and to be honest my general mood and overall confidence levels have improved too.